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City Of Bristol Legal Service

  • Event date: 15 October @5:30pm

To be held at Bristol Cathedral

at the invitation of

The High Sheriff of the County of the City of Bristol Rev Richard Pendlebury MBE DL

Traditionally the service marks the start of the Legal Year but it is also a celebration of the wide contribution made by the legal profession to the life of the city and the support you give to individuals, charities and community groups across Bristol. I would love to see as many of you as possible filling the Cathedral this year and true representation from across the different sectors. This service warmly welcomes all faiths, those who are questioning and those of no faith.

The theme for the service in these turbulent times is ‘Reconciliation’ and I am delighted that The Very Reverend John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry Cathedral will be our speaker. Following its destruction in 1940 Coventry Cathedral has become world-renowned for its work in Reconciliation and fostering peace.

There will be no booking process except for those processing into church.  However if you do plan on coming please do drop Rev Richard an email to give him an idea of numbers so he can sort the catering as all are invited to drinks in the Cathedral post the service.