BYCA (Bristol Youth Community Action) Charity Appeal 2023 banner

BYCA (Bristol Youth Community Action) Charity Appeal 2023

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It’s that time of year again for Bristol’s current High Sheriff to appeal to all our supporters to contribute to our brilliant charity – BYCA.

BYCA raises money for local holiday activities for our most disadvantaged geographical areas and for children and young people in the greatest need of positive, fun activities.  It particularly plugs the gap that commissioned services do not fill e.g. children aged 8 – 12 years old as this group does not have local statutory play or youth services provision.

BYCA’s aim is to reach children who otherwise would not get a chance to get out during their holidays to enjoy social and cultural opportunities such as a trip to the seaside, local attraction, a cultural or learning activity, a visit to a farm, sports, art, cooking, games and trips away for a holiday in an outward bounds centre.

It is amazing to see how far £300 can go for these neighbourhood-based schemes that is often led by local, dedicated volunteers and/or parents who have decided to do something rather than watch children have nothing to do and no, where to go.  The majority of the children we reach are children in need e.g. from homes in poverty, without transport, perhaps with large families with complex needs where parents don’t have the time or resources to get their children out and about.

We prioritise the funding to resource small, community-based community led youth and play projects that offer specialist or very localised provision and also fund some of our well known and amazing youth and play charities where they are ensuring reach to areas that otherwise would have nothing.

BYCA is extremely proud to promote positive pathways for children and young people who are at high risk of getting involved in negative activity or behaviours – some of the young people we reach are already perpetrating anti-social behaviour or facing exploitation or are spiralling into exclusion from schools and in the worst cases, the criminal justice system.  Those activities we fund do deter children and can help protect and remove children from bad influences and poor choices.

I have had the opportunity to visit some of our funded activities and have been overwhelmed and very proud to see the difference we are making with our small but special charitable fund.  I have personally observed that BYCA funding puts a lot of smiles on the faces of children, their parents, the dedicated staff, and volunteers who deliver the activities.

BYCA was set up by George Ferguson who was the first High Sheriff of the City of County of Bristol following the devolution of Avon County Council who wanted to set up a dedicated fund that High Sheriffs can raise money for that is linked to the purpose of the role – i.e. to promote and shine a light on criminal and legal justice and philanthropy.

I am now appealing to you to contribute whatever you can so BYCA can reach as many children in need as possible in the coming year.  With huge cuts to our local authorities and public services, together with the Cost of Living Crisis and the constant increase in fuel bills propelling more and more families into poverty – grant pots like BYCA are ever more important.

If you would like to know more, do not hesitate to contact the BYCA Administrator Luke Boulton Tel: 0117 989 7715 Email:

Based at Quartet Community Foundation, website

Download Sharon R Foster High Sheriff- BYCS Appeal_Brochure 2024