Employment Advice from Bristol Law Centre is changing banner

Employment Advice from Bristol Law Centre is changing

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Our advice line for the public will cease after the 10th August 2021.

Our assessment team will continue to offer either clinic appointments, or call backs from our employment team. Urgent advice needs can still be dealt with within those routes. All advice is free.

Call the assessment team 0117 924 8662 or freephone 0330 024 0389. Lines are open 10am-12noon and 2pm-4pm, Monday to Friday. Emails will be considered on an equal priority to calls, and partners or clients should email reception@bristollawcentre.org.uk

For more details and for links from your website:


You will also find details on our website about how clients may be able to access advice through having LEI, and our support for settlement agreements.

And if someone has experienced discrimination please read more here https://www.bristollawcentre.org.uk/get-help/discrimination/

Please share with your frontline teams, and other partners/networks as much as possible.