Feeding Bristol – BLS President’s Charity of the Year banner

Feeding Bristol – BLS President’s Charity of the Year

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Registered in March 2018, Feeding Bristol acts as an umbrella organisation for social causes in Bristol working towards alleviating food insecurity. FB aims to provided and guide targeted efforts in order to improve the overall circumstances of the general population.

Driving systemic change to increase food security across all social and cultural communities of Bristol – ultimately striving for ‘Zero Hunger’.

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of immediate provision for those in need, and influencing long-term local economic and national policy changes that aim to improve food security of all Bristolians.

Key strategic priorities

  • Improve immediate provision for those in need, with a particular emphasis on children and vulnerable adults
  • Increase the local community’s enthusiasm, knowledge and capability to grow and cook food
  • Significantly increase regional food production and the supply of good quality local food to the city within a sustainable economic framework
  • Work with local and national government to influence policy and drive greater food supply


As an organisation, we believe in supporting the city to support itself. As a platform to strategically guide Bristol in decision making that is complimentary to one another, the city will be able to deliver more sustainable and effective long-term solutions to zero-hunger

Who we work with

Feeding Bristol works with a wide range of organisations and businesses across Bristol. We know that communities within Bristol can suffer from a range of different issues, so it is important that we all work together in providing a holistic level of support to those in need. Feeding Bristol will continue to catalyse and link the different industries, businesses and grassroots organisations, in an effort to more effectively deliver food solutions across the city - and build a city where no child goes hungry.

Who we work for

As one city, Bristol has a vast array of individuals and organisations focusing on helping to improve the circumstances of people who are less fortunate. Through targeting the food security needs, Feeding Bristol acts as an umbrella organisation for the city, supporting initiatives to get started, upscale or collaborate with others where relevant. By providing a central point of contact to those focusing on tackling similar issues, Bristol can act to ensure a permanent and positive step change towards zero hunger

Feeding Bristol targets the overall success of the city, and not one single project. Long-term success will be two-fold: 1) an increase in engagement and collaborative working within our communities, and 2) financially self-sustainable initiatives that support the food security needs within Bristol.