HMCTS: Update on the implementation of Automated Track Case Management banner

HMCTS: Update on the implementation of Automated Track Case Management

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What is Automated Track Case Management?

ATCM is our end-to-end digital service that processes SJS work.

ATCM enables prosecutors, like the DVLA and TV Licensing, to directly upload their Single Justice Procedure (SJP) cases digitally. It allows defendants to enter a plea online along with any supporting details or ‘mitigation’. It provides an interface for legal advisors and magistrates to access and record decisions, notify parties of decisions, and generate orders and notices.

Each user can access and see information that is relevant to them and their role, which means very large volumes of paper do not need to be moved around the justice system and the need for manual data entry is significantly reduced. Lists are published online for public scrutiny. The media also have access to lists (before hearings) and court records (after hearings), so that they can scrutinise SJS cases and their outcomes.

Since 1 April 2019 we have received over 3 million SJS cases and over 700,000 of these have been on ATCM. We expect this number to grow as more prosecutors start to use the system.

My colleague Sian Jones from our Legal Operations team wrote an excellent blog post which explained in detail about SJP in the magistrates’ court.

Read the the rest of the update here>>