Query for membership: issues with certified LPAs/organisations banner

Query for membership: issues with certified LPAs/organisations

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The Law Society regularly engage with the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) on those issues impacting members. Following a recent meeting, the OPG would like to know the extent to which members are experiencing problems with banks and financial institutions accepting instructions from attorneys on receipt of a photocopy or certified copy of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). For example, banks not authorising full access to accounts by LPA holders, or barring them from telephone or app banking services, or online banking.

If any of Bristol Law Society members have had any problems, and if so with which organisations, any feedback would be gratefully received alongside any further details you wish to share.  Please email helen.read@bristollawsociety.com with your feedback including whether you would be happy for the name of your organisation to be shared with the MoJ or not.