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Helen Read


Helen is a former Employment Solicitor, who went on to specialise in legal recruitment. Working initially in a national consultancy, she then moved in-house to the Bristol office of a national law firm.

She joined BLS in 2013 when the legendary Rosie Torre retired to run the employment agency.  Over the last decade as BLS has evolved to reflect the changing demands of its members and the legal landscape, so too has Helen's role and she is now Chief Executive.

Helen has overall responsibility for the running of the business in conjunction with the Executive Board and BLS Council.  As a small business, there is not much she hasn't got her hand in,  but you will find her leading on sponsorship, corporate member senior leader relations, developing our events programme with the able assistance of Clair, involvement in our key areas of work such as the community engagement group and BBLT events and of course, organising the BLS flagship Annual Awards Dinner.

When not at work, she can be found roaming the Malvern Hills with her working cocker spaniels, spending time with her family, cooking, reading and gardening. She enjoys a night out with music and a glass of wine so look out for her at BLS social events and come and say hello!